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Helping women confidently claim their space in tech leadership.
Rebecca Rockafellar Coaching

Are you ready to confidently claim your space as a woman in tech leadership?

You know you are great at your job. But you’ve been overlooked or dismissed as a technologist and a leader, seemingly or in-part, because you are a woman.

Yep, I just said that out loud.

Are you:

  • Constantly interrupted or spoken over in meetings.
  • Told you’ll “get that promotion next year”, with no direction about how you need to grow.
  • Underestimated on your technical skills and knowledge.
  • Given vague and negative feedback about “style”, even though you are hitting all of your performance goals.
  • Feeling isolated at work, without advocates or champions.

You are not alone here – 50% of women drop out of tech leadership by their mid-thirties, because this is their experience, too.


Here’s what’s crazy (and also drives my passion about this).

Companies with women in leadership are proven to be more successful. Yet women are still rare in techRebecca Rockafellar leadership; in fact, our numbers are down in recent years. The way we show up and authentically operate and lead can look different than traditional patterns of leadership, and this difference is good for business.

Having to fight our way into leadership and prove our value is a true conundrum.

As a successful leader in tech myself, I experienced this frustrating dynamic first-hand and learned how to overcome it. I’m passionate about confronting it as a coach, so that women in tech leadership can get the recognition they deserve and be valued as leaders in thriving companies.


There are learnable skills and tools that will allow you to confidently claim your space in tech leadership, and move from surviving to thriving.

My leadership experience, coaching work and focused research on this problem has helped me identify a dozen learnable skills and tools that are key for women in tech leadership. You already have many of them, and there are others that you can strengthen or add to your toolbox.


RRC Process


In keeping with my tech roots, my coaching process is very agile and iterative, and I use evidence-based best practices to help you achieve lasting change.

Modern neuroscience tells us that an iterative approach to change, involving your thoughts, emotions and bodily awareness, along with regular input from others, is the key to successful personal change.


My clients are having great success with this approach.

“I have had the privilege of working with Rebecca for the past year, and with confidence, I can say she had a remarkable impact on my career and life.  Her experience and knowledge, combined with her empathetic approach helped me dive into very difficult life and career questions. Throughout my coaching sessions, I was consistently impressed by her ability to challenge my thinking, help me identify blind spots, and develop actionable strategies to enhance my leadership, and my private life. 

As a result of my coaching experience with Rebecca, I have experienced substantial growth. I have gained a deeper understanding of my leadership style, developed stronger communication skills, and learned to navigate complex situations more confidently and clearly. My ability to inspire and motivate others has also significantly improved, and I am now more effective in driving strategic change within my organization.”


Elena Mancheva Zajkovska – Senior Technical Program Manager – Cumulocity IoT

My clients are picking up these new skills & tools, just like they would study a new tech stack or an SDLC – they are 100% learnable. These women feel a change, and the people around them also see change, and then good things happen: 1/3 of my clients get promoted or get new roles.


Coaching can help you move from surviving to thriving in your tech leadership career.

Let’s work together to make this your new daily reality:

  • Feeling confident in your own power and talent
  • Speaking up, as your own best advocate
  • Showing up as grounded and strong in your authentic values and leadership presence
  • Giving and receiving the feedback you and your team need for continued growth
  • Helping to create a new and energizing dynamic for the women in tech around you


Your next step:  Actionable Insights Call with Rebecca

In our 30 minute call, we will explore where you are vs. where you want to be and help identify strategies to get you moving on the key skills you need to thrive in tech leadership.